Seasonal Rabbit Dog Greetings

The internet is full of dogs wearing bunny ears but there’s always room for one more, right?

Easter 1

I like eggs. Also bacon. Especially bacon. In fact, forget the eggs and just give me the bacon.

Max wishes all of you and yours a lovely Easter and/or Passover or, if neither of those work for you, have a great April 21st which is the birth date for Queen Elizabeth II, Tony Danza, Tony Romo and Iggy Pop among many others.

Who wouldn’t want to celebrate Tony Romo’s birthday? Well, I know about a gazillion football fans who would, uh, take a pass. (snorf)

Easter 3

Must you embarrass me on every holiday?

Also, don’t forget that it was on this day in 753 BC (DCCLIII, if you prefer) that Romulus and Remos founded the city of Rome. Just thought I’d throw that in.

Hope your bunnies were chocolate, your beans were jelly and you enjoyed some eggs of color.

27 replies

  1. Poor little Max. Please know that you look adorable. And Origins is very good skin care…it’ll erase the marks from those bunny ears in no time flat. Father’s Day is in two months, Max. Getting even is the best revenge.

    Liked by 2 people

    • He didn’t suffer too badly. He got his fair share of prime rib and even a little bacon from the baked potato toppings. He’s always willing to broker some short term humiliation for food. Like me and beer!


  2. In that second photograph is he eyeing the treat with which you bribed him to allow you to take the first photograph?
    My lot are disgruntled as they have not been allowed to eat the Easter chicks…real ones, which hatched today in the incubator.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You need to gruntle that dog pack. Maybe one sacrificial chick and the dogs can compete for it. OK too gruesome. How about some marshmallow chicks? The purple ones might appeal to B-Tot and the rest of gang.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I can always count on you to simultaneously make me smile and embarrass the fur off Max. The Knuckleheads send their ‘howliday’ greetings in return and remind Max there isn’t another eared holiday in the near future. #hallelujahsaidthedogs

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Max, you are one sweet boy to indulge your humans like this. I don’t see any photos of them wearing bunny ears!! In the second picture you do look truly embarrassed. Or maybe “someone” is withholding bacon from you out of our view and that’s a look of pure torture! 😜
    Thank you for the Easter wishes Max….right back atcha! Hope you had a doggone wonderful day.
    🐾Ginger 🐾

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, well, my ears are hairy and stick out so the addition of bunny ears would be superfluous. I won’t discuss the AJF’s ears for fear of retribution. Hope your day was a good one, Ginger.


    • I think near every dog owner has put bunny ears on their puppet. It’s just too appealing not to try. I simply ignore the hateful looks he sends my way. I control the food so Max’s choices are to like it or lump it.


  5. Wow, Max! You’re having a good hare day! 😉 😛 HA! 😀
    🐇 🌷 🥚 🐇 🌷 🥚 🐇 🌷 🥚
    You made me smile and giggle! 😀
    And you made Cooper say, “Oy, poor Max! I feel your ‘pain’!”
    Coop and I hope you and your human-beans had a very Hoppy Easter!
    HUGS!!! and gentle PATS and RUBS!!! 🙂


  6. I don’t know about Remos, but I have gone on record several times, saying that my next dog will be named Remus. Perhaps he will need bunny ears as well.


  7. Aw poor Max! Us humans are often guilty of embarrassing our fur babies, sorry! It’s just occurred to me… is my favourite malt on Instagram? I tend to visit there much more frequently than WP and I’d love to follow if you have an account.


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