Quarantined Malt

Long shotIt appears that the dreaded Covid-19 virus may indeed be zoonotic; in other words, transmittable between Maltese dogs (like Max) and humans (like me).


Never one to sit idly and watch the world pass by whilst quaffing  dark beer…wait a minute…that’s my modus operandi for everything. Let’s try again.

Max 1

Dog Quarantine Facility (DQF), Rancho Cucaracha, CA.

To ensure the continuation of my dark beer quaffing, I built quarantine facilities for Maxwell in the unlikely event the Malt becomes infected.

Nah, nah, nah.

I built a series of wood and wire cages in one corner of the garden to protect our Asian vegetable crop against the depredations of birds, squirrels, rats, possums and just about every other creature on the planet.

Last year we lost fully 30% of our crop to critters. Not this time, bunky.

Long shot

The tall cage is for the giant tomato plant we intend to grow.


Of course, I couldn’t resist placing His Royal Fluffiness in a cage. I tried to do it to the Alpha Japanese Female but she fought me off.

Max didn’t much care. He was falling asleep in the warm sun.

Fall asleep

He was the perfect prisoner. All he wanted was to nap.

As for me, I now know why no one, ever, has woken in the morning and said, “Man oh man, I really want to work with chicken wire today.”

35 replies

  1. We love you Max! Arf, arf. I was thinking that you should put a lock on your side of the garden gate so you can stay safely inside. Mom and Dad won’t be able to reach you to dress you in silly costumes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Max was having fevered dreams. Oh wait, that wasn’t Max. Who was that with the strange fever dreams? Hmmm…can’t seem to recall at the moment. Some lady over at Fighty Log, Tighty Jog, Mighty Frog…something like that.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Those are beautifully crafted! I can’t even imagine dealing with all that chicken wire. Max seems to have been a good overseer though. It’s a good thing you had his expertise to keep you at your task. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • There would be a certain karmic balance if the Asian veggies were eaten by Asian critters but nooooo…just plain old California rats (not politicians, the 4-legged variety), squirrels, and…wait for it….BIRDS!!!!


  3. If a robin redbreast in a cage puts all heaven in a rage putting Max there probably makes you responsible for Armageddon.
    A great job with that chcken wire…I swear the stuff attacks you as you roll it out.

    Liked by 1 person

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