
Max and Me

This blog originated in Hawaii and the name “Within the K Streets” came from the thoroughfares that framed Max’s stomping grounds: Kaheka, Kapiolani, Kalakaua and King Streets. There’s no shortage of “K’s” in the Hawaiian language.

In late 2015, Max and his DogMom the AJF (“Alpha Japanese Female”) and I moved from our island home to Rancho Cucamonga, a pretty little community about an hour or so east of Los Angeles. Like many oldsters, our move was intended to allow us more time with kids and grandkids, most of whom live in California.

Max and I are best buddies. It’s funny how a small ball of fluff and attitude can weave its way into one’s heart. He’s a sweet tempered little guy who likes people more than other dogs. His favorite things are fresh roasted chicken, bacon pieces, a toy hedgehog that squeaks and sleeping on the foot of our bed

We got Max in 2007 when we were living in the desert of Southwest Utah. One day the AJF and I were in the grocery store waiting our turn at the cashier station when we spotted on the store’s bulletin board a photo of a Maltese baby dog, often called a “puppy”. We looked at the photo, at each other, once more at the puppy and that was it. He came home with us that day. That was over 13 years ago.

Max got his name because we are not very creative or imaginative in pet naming and that’s all I have to say about that. Except he came this close (imagine thumb and forefinger in proximity) to being named “Tofu.”

Anyway, we moved from Utah home to Hawaii in 2010 and of course Max came along as a full fledged family member. He loved Hawaii and made many dog and human friends there. This blog includes almost 150 stories of Max’s adventures in Hawaii.

Now, the Mighty Malt patrols California, experiencing new adventures, exploring unusual places and sharing his life in his new home.

I hope you enjoy the tales of this gentle little white dog named Max.

EDIT: Max died on March 18, 2022 from congestive heart failure. He lived life actively to the very end which was sudden but without distress and he died in our arms knowing he was loved beyond measure. The blog has now closed.

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53 replies

    • “Mahalo” is printed on the trash cans here to thank people for being considerate and depositing their trash in an appropriate receptacle. Consequently, many visitors believe that “Mahalo” means “Trash”.


  1. Thanks for your lovely and funny reply to my latest post. Your writing always makes me laugh. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy the way you write and your witty turn of phrase. It’s great to know there is another person out there as crazy about their little ball of fluff as I am! I’ve just noticed your name and am wondering if you have an Irish or Scots ancestry? Anyway, keep up the great work!


  2. One of the things that I love about blogging is how you can hook up with people with similar interests all around the world and you have the opportunity to experience another part of the world without leaving home. While you are walking Max around Hawaii, I’m walking my dog along the Pittwater side of Palm Beach, Sydney, Australia or on the Central Coast just north of here. North Palm Beach has some great surfing but the Pittwater side is flat water and we’re on tidal flats so I have to keep a close eye on the tides. High tide means I’m out in the kayak where I have been joined by the dogs for better or worse and low tide means walking the dog. Being a writer, I frequently miss the boat. I’ve really appreciated the phrase: “The tide waits for no man.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I almost broke into song about Max and Lady so far apart but wishing on the same bright star. Then I remembered that the last time I tried singing, the police were called and the incident was really quite ugly.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for liking my poem. Obviously you understand how we felt about our little Zsa Zsa. Please visit stopalongtheway.net for my musings similar to yours. Btw, I love your blog and Hawaii!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Maxwell – Given that we just had some snow, and freezing rain (so my walk is on hold at the present), I thought I’d say ‘Hi!” to someone in a different climate! My name is Ray, and I am a Shepherd/Rotti X (and very good looking)! Have a great day, or night, depending on what your clocks are telling you! Woof!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Rowee, This little white doggie at the salon made me smile! It reminds me of that little kitty I pulled out of the drain located near to our home in Malaysia. I was then very little. The kitty had wet spiky fur. Freaked out it sprinted away into safer quarters. But this little doggie simply melts my heart. Thank you for posting Rowee.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome. That’s so good you rescued the little kitty. I had a nasty fall two weeks ago but two beautiful strangers came to my rescue and warmed my heart and helped me back on my feet. It’s important we keep stepping out there and being there for others.
        Best wishes,

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello Max,
    Here’s another trophy for the pool room.
    Congratulations! I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Premio Dardos Award. I love how you combine historical and cultural stories about Hawaii with your adventures. I even share some of your posts with my kids and they think you’re exceptionally cute. You can click here for the details: https://beyondtheflow.wordpress.com/2015/01/24/accepting-the-premio-dardos-award/ xx Rowena from Beyond the Flow.


  6. Hi Tom,
    Couldn’t leave you and Max off my latest awards list. I have been awarded the Very Inspiring Blog Award and have nominated yourself and Max as well as a few other dog blogs. Many of the blogs I’ve nominated deal with adversity of some sort, using in the health sphere but are very uplifting. I nominated you and Max because i really look forward to reading your posts and they cheer me up and I love reading all the historical and cultural details of Hawaii. I am quite a convert after seeing the non-touristy side of things.
    Hope you have recovered from your trip to the AJF’s doctor. I feel your pain.
    xx Rowena


  7. Thanks for liking my post, ‘Every Picture Tells a Story’. I like your blog and Maxwell! I will check it out some more. -JC


  8. I have no idea how you found my blog on ‘coat change’, but i decided to check your blog out and it’s interesting. By accident, i have a degree in urban planning…so I am always interested in klife in other cities—especially with dogs!


  9. You are the very first blogger who approved of me. Thank you so very much. I especially like Profile Cover of the Max
    “triplets”. The colors are contrasting and sharp……black backgrounds for colorful foreground images never fail to impress.


  10. Just wondering if anything is wrong at Tails around the Ranch…I haven’t seen a post for a while…so on the positive side that could be WordPress messing things up.
    I did send a message on FB, but no reply.
    I had an impression that you were in touch there, so forgive me for the presumption if that is not the case.

    baggus1@yahoo.com finds me these days.


      • Thanks for that…I was worried.
        We are fine…except that Leo fell out of his wheelchair in town and was rescued by a party of chaps…and that the country is in chaos, road blockages, fights with the police…all over the government’s idea to tax us more to cover up for their incompetence…now where have we heard that before?


        • Higher taxes and deficit spending. I cry for future generations. Falling out of wheelchairs is a bad idea and I trust Leo got the sharp side of your tongue. I heard from Monika today and she should be back with us pretty soon. Not much happening here. I got my flu shot and realized that was the social highlight of my week.


  11. I was not happy that he tried the ejector seat button in his wheelchair…apparently he was rash enough to try one of the disabled access ramps installed by our council in one of its tick box exercises to gain brownie points with central government. IThe slant is like climbing Everest so I am not surprised that he and chair went over backwards. I will see if I can persuade him that ‘Because it is there’ is no good reason to use the death trap again.

    All the fun of the fair with the demonstrations…the one outside the Presidential residence was peaceful until someone started throwing chunks of concrete at the police….ministers braying about hooligans and terrorists, only to have it discovered that those throwing stuff were undercover policemen…..as revealed by other policemen not altogether happy at having been under fire from ‘colleagues’.

    Out for a ‘flu shot? You daring devil, you! Our social life has collapsed…but we do go shopping. A large purchase of cheese co incided with the fridge giving up the ghost entailing another shopping trip to buy a fridge…

    I am glad that Monika is getting through the problem…I miss her posts.

    We have three new inhabitants…three malnourished kittens found on the road by Danilo. They are currently occuying a large rabbit hutch with a line of puzzled dogs sitting watching them.

    Look after yourselves.


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