Prepared Pup

No, this is not a recipe for freshly prepared pup. This is Hurricane Preparedness Pup.

Hurricane Preparedness Pup is prepared.

Hurricane Preparedness Pup is prepared.

Update August 7 mid-afternoon: things are looking positive as Iselle diminishes to a tropical storm. Too soon to get cocky, though. The storm should reach the Big Island of Hawaii this evening and get to Oahu on Friday. This morning, just as an added insult, there was a 4.3 earthquake on the Big Island.

Iselle is almost tpo Hawaii; Julio is still on track to visit, too.

Iselle is almost to Hawaii; Julio is still on track to visit, too.

13 replies

  1. It is never a good sign when Jim Cantore is in your neighborhood…..and I heard him broadcasting from HI today on NPR. I hope things take a turn for the better. Insult to injury with that earthquake, too. Max looks adorable.


  2. That umbrella is toast in a big storm. What does a dog need with Charmin-it just gets wet in the rain. Spam is a Hawaiian thing-I’ll give you that. I also think the beer is a good idea.


    • Beer is always a good idea! If you look closely at the box of Kirin Beer you can see their marketing tag line which is “100% Malt”. That brings a smile to Max’s furry face.


All comments are welcome, so speak! Speak! Good dog.

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