Month: March 2015

Max Visits a Heiau

It was a perfect day for a visit to a place of human sacrifice. There were ominous clouds obscuring the mountain tops. A lowering sky, brooding with dark, heavy clouds portended an approaching storm. Today’s destination was the Pu’u o Mahuku heiau. Visitors to Hawaii learn that the Hawaiian word heiau means […]

Hot Stuff

Think you have a tough job?   From the website of the  Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (USGS): Hawaiian Volcano Observatory geologists get fresh lava samples as close to the vent as possible. Once the sample is scooped from the pāhoehoe lobe, it is quickly quenched in a bucket of water to stop […]

Kiku Becomes a Champion

Regulars readers of this silly dog blog (“poor lost souls” in the vernacular) will remember that we have been tracking the career of one of Max’s boon companions, a sweet little Yorkie named Kiku. See here, here and here. Well, recently we got the great, good news that Kiku, whose name […]

Works For Us

Both the AJF and I were pleased to read today’s Honolulu headline: The annual Emerald Ball, featuring Irish food and entertainment, happens March 17 at the Japanese Cultural Center. I get my Guiness; she gets her green mochi cakes.  

MaxMax Visits Chinatown

Honolulu’s Chinatown is one of the oldest Chinatowns in the United States and it has an interesting history. The AJF and Malt thought a ramble through Tánxiāngshān (the area’s Chinese name meaning “Sandalwood Mountain”) would be interesting, so off we went. In ancient times, before there was a town called […]

He Gets No Respect

Our favorite Malt has been complaining of late that he does not receive the respect to which he believes he is entitled by the accident of his birth. The problem is that he has been condemned to a short stint in the Cone of Shame due to excessive ear scratching […]