Month: July 2015

Max Checks Out the Latest K-Videos

Regular readers, and both of you know who you are, will remember that Max is fascinated with Korean movie posters and their depiction of life and love in the land below Dear Leader. Today, our morning constitutional took us past our favorite Korean video shop so of course we took […]

Weather Diversity

It’s been so doggone hot in Honolulu that we took the poochlet for a haircut at Miss Nanako’s place. Here’s the finished product, in a jaunty, nautical mode. That tongue is huge. Meanwhile, up on Mauna Kea, it snowed today.

Lucky Dog

China Walls is a well known adventure ocean sports site in the Hawaii Kai neighborhood on Eastern Oahu.  Cliff jumping is popular as are body surfing and diving depending on conditions. The area is well known for occasionally unpredictable big waves that can be quite dangerous for folks near  the […]

Max Goes Solar

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the land of the Haboob, you have no doubt followed the flight of the solar airplane across the Pacific. It was an amazing feat. One pilot in an unpressurized, unheated cabin for five days. Flying below 8,500 feet at a speed of […]