Month: December 2014

Dog Delicacies from Santa

Santa treated Max very well. The small white dog’s treat closet is now stuffed full of exotic goodies. We’re talking New Zealand deer lung, Hawaii pork jerky, organic beef jerky by that great hunter Trader Joe, grilled duck products and lots of poi cookies. All this for a creature that […]

Poi Dog

Max likes to gift his doggie friends with poi products at Christmas time. That’s the reason we headed a few miles mauka of our home to visit the Hawaii Doggie Bakery in lovely, misty Manoa Valley. Max loves this bakery which specializes in dog treats, gifts and paraphernalia with a […]

Max’s Favorite Silent Night

Of all the seasonal songs, my favorite is Silent Night. I enjoy listening to the song sung in different languages and admit to singing along when alone with the windows closed and a sweatshirt stuffed under the door to muffle any chance of my voice being overheard. It’s that bad. […]

Le Holiday Feast

Freshpet makes refrigerated food and treats for dogs and cats using natural ingredients. You’ve probably seen their stuff at all the stores. They made a video for their website of 13 dogs and one cat sitting down for a holiday feast…with human hands. Yeah, we’ve seen the human hands thing before but […]

Pillow Talk – Dig It!

Today was the 42nd annual Honolulu Marathon. The starter’s gun triggered a fireworks extravaganza at 5 a.m. when about 22,000 folks launched themselves on to the rainy streets of pre-dawn Oahu. The Kenyan and Ethiopian runners finished about ten minutes later. Here’s some video from our local paper The Honolulu […]

Mulling December 7

“A date that will live in infamy.” That was President Franklin D. Roosevelt describing December 7, 1941 the date when Japan attacked the US at Pearl Harbor. Within an hour of the “Infamy Speech,” Congress passed a formal declaration of war against Japan and officially brought the U.S. into World War II. In […]

Professor Max, Parte Doo

You may recall that The Professor recently waxed eloquent in his presentation about the similarities of dog and guys. Some wondered if he would address the similarities between cats and the fairer gender. Some opined that topic would be too controversial. Some said the malt needs to check his male […]

Favorite Positions

When we first got Max he was so tiny that I could carry him in the palm of my hand. He got used to that position and even though he is much larger he is comfortable sitting in my hand although he does not allow anyone else to hold him […]