44 replies

  1. Max, have a terrific Thanksgiving with your dog dad and the AJF. I’ve never had tofu, but the name alone makes me gag!

    Video is hysterical.

    Be well. Be safe. Be happy because no tofu will touch your lips!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Max was almost named “Tofu.” Really! We actually eat a lot of it because the AJF cooks Japanese food all the time. But let’s keep our tofu and turkeys separate! Happy T-Day Ginger & Murphy!


  2. HAPPY T-Day to you, too, Max! And Happy T-Day to your Human-Beans! 😀 I am thankful for all 3 of you and the fun, love, and laughter you bring us here on WP!!! 🙂
    We actually love tofu at our house, but we had difficulty molding it into a turkey shape and stuffin’ it with unhealthy stuffing. Ha! 😀
    That video made me snort-laugh!!! 😀
    As a little girl, I always figured if the dog wouldn’t eat something, I don’t need to be eating it. Ha! 😛
    Have you ever tried a Turducken or a Turchicken or a Turfishen or a Turporken or a Turbeefen?!?! HA! 😀
    (((HUGS))) PATS and RUBS!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This will be the first thanksgiving without tofurky since the kids are staying in nyc. All they had was a big turkey so we’re going to be creative with leftovers..flaming turkey wings! Happy thanksgiving to you and your family!

    Liked by 1 person

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