Max Visits the Mighty Redwoods

We started our long road trip with no clear destination in mind. Our My simple plan was to head north until we decided to go home.  Our My theory is that good road trips allow serendipity to choose the route and timing. Roll the dice, baby! This approach, featuring a […]

The Birthday Boy

Yesterday, Max celebrated his 12th birthday which officially makes him older than me when our respective ages are adjusted for species. (Please insert your preferred cliche about time flying, water […]

Game of Malts

It actually started last night. I was innocently reclined in my easy chair, munching a Krispy Kreme donut and watching Game of Thrones alongside the fur-nugget when the Alpha Japanese […]

April Fools

Our son’s company (Redtail Technologies <—–shameless fatherly plug) is well known as a very dog-friendly employer. So much so that its Sacramento headquarters has its own dog park, employees are […]